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Knappstein Clare Valley Shiraz 2020 得獎啦~
Sep 12 , 2022

Knappstein Clare Valley Shiraz 2020 得獎啦~

Knappstein Clare Valley Shiraz 2020 
近期在 #wineorbit ​ 榮獲93高分評價


Exciting news! Sam Kim recently awarded our 2020 Clare Valley Shiraz 93pts in Wine Orbit, describing it as “splendidly ripe and perfumed on the nose showing black/blueberry, violet, toasted spice hazelnut character, leading to a beautifully weighted palate offering velvety texture and plump mouthfeel. Generous and flavoursome with a lingering silky finish.”

✔️請來電洽詢 ????04-23763278

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